Al-Hindiya or Hindiya (Arabic: الهندية) is a city in Iraq on the Euphrates River. Nouri al Maliki went to school there in his younger days. Al-Hindiya is located in the Kerbala Governorate. The city used to be known as Tuwairij (Arabic: طويريج), which gives name to the "Tuwairij run" (Arabic: ركضة طويريج) that takes place here every year as part of the Mourning of Muharram on the Day of Ashura.[1]
The name of the city literally means the city of Indians. As per local folklore, a Mohyal leader from India fought on behalf of Imam Hussain in the battle of Karbala, more specifically in the storming of Kufa- sacrificing his seven sons in the process. According to legend, Rahab Sidh Datt (also mentioned as Rahib Sidh or Sidh Viyog Datt in some versions) was the leader of a small band of career-soldiers living near Baghdad around the time of the battle of Karbala.
The legend mentions the place where he stayed as Dair-al-Hindiya, meaning “The Indian Quarter”, which matches Al-Hindiya in existence today. The Dutts have traditionally been referred to as Hussaini Brahmins for the role in promoting Hindu-Muslim unity.[2]